because time is never can be returning back :)
week 5 June 2011
date 27
date 28
it's a journey to come home
from raden inten airport to sukarno-hatta airport then ahmad yani airport
date 29
going to party of oki's friend at noon then go to jateng fair at night
date 30
sending the prayer to my brother in pengajian 100 hari
date 1 juli
doing nothing in home..just playing with my little neighbor
date 2 juli
ziarah to my brother's final rest place, bring the flower to freshen it's air
date 3 juli
go to oki's family wedding party in klaten
makasih allisa & tia
belajar motret lagi aaaahhhhh
*pasang gaya*
siap dipotret!
kalo saya siap memoto aja deeeehhhh