so i quit...call me a looser or whatever.but that was me.aq terlalu takut untuk jatuh apalagi sendirian
padahal sempat memutuskan untuk hampir menyerah.dan mengikuti apa yang diingini oleh hati.tapi aq punya teman2 yang harus didengarkan.meski tak sedikitpun kesan itu mengganggu.tapi bukankah aq harus selalu rasional dan bukankah aq sudah amat sangat sering mengorbankan sesuatu bernama 'rasa' pada sesuatu bernama 'kenyataan'
maka tidak akan ada yang bisa mengganggu ketentramanku lagi baik anda, dia, kalian
memutuskan untuk memasuki keadaan 'trace' lagi
bersama Dia....sang Maha Besar (tanpa apapun..Ia memang sudah Maha Besar)
sudahlah tya...hidup ini indah
walau semua saat ini terlihat sangat tidak adil walau terasa sangat menyakitkan walau sesak teramat sangat (can't cry hard enough...) bahkan tanpa suara yang masih terngiang di telinga tanpa tawa yang tulus dari hati tanpa rasa yang baru kali kurasa tanpa ucapan2 yg mengantar tidur(malah membuat tidak bisa tidur) tanpa lagu yang selalu mengalun bahkan tanpa apapun...everythin will be allrite
aq selalu punya 1001 alasan untuk bahagia.tidak peduli sesakit apa(never feel like this before). sesulit apapun ini hanya hujan deras yang harus dilewati.setelah usai hujan akan ada pelangi tenanglah adit...tenanglah... (meski harus kalah lagi)
I'm gonna live my life
like every days' the last
without a simple goodbye it all goes by so fast
and now that you're gone I can't cry heard enough
I can't cry hard enough
for you to hear me now
gonna open my eyes and see for the first time
I've let go of you like
a child letting go of his kite
There it goes up in the sky
there it goes beyond the clouds
for no reason why
I can't cry hard enough
No, I can't cry hard enoug for you to hear me now
gonna look back in vain and see you standing there
when all that remains is just an empty chair
anad now that you're gone
I can't cry hard enough, I can't cry hard enough
for you to hear me now
There it goes, up in the sky
there it goes beyond the clouds
for no reason why
I can't cry hard enough, no I can't cry hard enough
for you to hear me now
like every days' the last
without a simple goodbye it all goes by so fast
and now that you're gone I can't cry heard enough
I can't cry hard enough
for you to hear me now
gonna open my eyes and see for the first time
I've let go of you like
a child letting go of his kite
There it goes up in the sky
there it goes beyond the clouds
for no reason why
I can't cry hard enough
No, I can't cry hard enoug for you to hear me now
gonna look back in vain and see you standing there
when all that remains is just an empty chair
anad now that you're gone
I can't cry hard enough, I can't cry hard enough
for you to hear me now
There it goes, up in the sky
there it goes beyond the clouds
for no reason why
I can't cry hard enough, no I can't cry hard enough
for you to hear me now