all mi fren since i'm still in high school already know that
i'm greeeeeeeeeeeeen mania
actually it's because my mother also love green
n i'm a piece lover
as we know that green is the colour that really describes peace, nature, tree...grass
all about nature...
in my house all that stuff are green
start with it's border (baca:pagar), 'genteng','tembok','gorden',sofa
till all the family's eyes...hehehe it's all green when meet money
feel comfortable with this colour
presenting the trully nature of all things
most of stuff in this world are green
n it's make us happy ...right when this world still green
green piece..green society...green day
ah i really love green
someone loves blue n i still love green
it doesn't related with my feeling to him
remembering when one day i met him
with all the green stuff, his bag, his clothes....his jacket
n i do with blue, my jackett, my dress, my veil, my bag
so opposite
we just influence each other
n i'm still loves green
don't care how much he loves blue
i will be green
don't care if that's the reason u finally leave me
i'm still gonna be green
no matter what happened
i'm green