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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2009

salah yang sudah biasa

di tempat kerja yang serba terbalik ini aq mencoba mencerna aq atau orang2 ini yang keliru kalau aq yg keliru...ah..sepertinya tidak tertulis seperti itu di buku2 manapun dan bila ditanyakan pada mereka...jawabannya persis seperti yg sudah kulakuin kalau mereka yg keliru mengapa mereka sangat banyak...hampir semua malahan sangat amat sedikit yg punya pikiran sepertiku lalu mana yang benar mana yang salah yang benar bisa tampak salah klo minoritas dan yang salah bisa tampak benar klo mayoritas it's a reality n i just hope that i'm not going into that reality setidaknya kali ini aq tidak akan mengijinkan hal itu terjadi silahkan saja kalau ingin mempersulit we will show u how to work well

sesuatu bernama firasat itu menggangguku

again and again and again this strange feeling come ahh bagaimana harus menjelaskannya seperti ada sesuatu yg akan terjadi tp aq tidak tau itu apa dan tidak tau akan menimpa siapa kapan ataupun bagaimana aq cuma merasa sangat sangat tidak enak pengen menangis tanpa sebab again.... what is this feeling wanna talk about i can't read the message no dream no activity semoga semuanya baik2 sajah... temani aq ya.. temani aq selamanya cepat pulang cepat kembali jangan pergi lagi firasatku ingin kau tuk cepat pulang cepat kembali jangan pergi lagi -his favourite song-


kenapa ya klo lagi sakit rasanya jadi supersensitif semua yg dirasain jadi berlipat2 sakit berlipat2 sedih berlipat2 nelangsa berlipat2 sepi berlipat2 laper berlipat2(hlohhhh) perhatian,bantuan,ucapan meski sederhana bisa jadi berlipat2 juga artinya ketika sakit mngkin niat nya iseng atau biasa aja tapi bagi si penderita bisa jadi lebih lebih lebih dari itu lebih terasa di saat susah coba2 membayangkan dari sakitku yang terdahulu mmm cuma mau bilang terima kasih dari lubuk hati yg paling dalam (huekkkk) buat ibu yg lebih tahu siapa aq lebih dari siapapun yang lebih mengenal aq lebih dari diriku sendiri buat papa yang selalu sibuk mencarikan paramedis&kawan2nya utk kebingungan dan perhatian yg terlalu besarnya to my siblings, the only boy that like a mirror to me we're like a twin ya..u always know what is really going on with me buat yg dulu selalu datang membawa buah apel & segepok kit kat malem2 pdhl aq cuma masuk angin haha cuma dia yg tau itu satu2nya cokelat yg...

hasil test

You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are uniqe and rare! terimakasih utk hasil test yg keren ini...

every line,every word,everything

it's time to go home, actually but i postponed just for talking by messenger with my great sister that will leave us soon prima retno ardhanie she'll be moved to jakarta which is the city where his husband live in so it's like a sad symphony when i realized that one of my friend will leave me again seems like they all will be gone n someday i will be alone with no one accompany me overreactive yakk... but friend are everything to me listening their word, talking outloud with them hanging around, eating together was a very enjoyable activity i always miss that moment should i do or maybe i just enter the phase where friend is only another part of life not everything again just a thing yah..i feel it when accepted phone from my dearest friend really really best friend i remembered that feeling a friendship,brotherhood, fellowship (or anything they name it) feeling i know this feeling so familiar with but still can not fullfill my heart i always know tha...